Lichens are a very remarkable species and the most ancient on our planet growing everywhere on Earth, from deserts to the Antarctic regions. It’s not just one organism but a fungi and an algae living in symbiosis. They exist in many different shapes, textures and colours and can be used as a bio-monitor to assess the level of pollution in our environment.
What if… we created a
bio-garment to filter
our air?
The idea behind ‘Grow Your Own Couture’ is to create a garment with lichens, through a DIY fashion kit, to absorb pollution around the wearer. In fact lichens absorb pollutants like nitrogen or sulphur dioxide and metabolise them into less or non-dangerous compounds. So what if you can do that in very few simple steps? First prepare a solution bath then submerge your garment on it. Remember to keep it moist and enjoy your living garment in years to come.